Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes Mellitus (also known as the “sugar disease”) is the collective term for a variety of disorders of the metabolism, whose main characteristic is chronic Hyperglycemia. Cause is either a defective insulin release from the beta cells of the pancreas and  or impaired insulin action in important organs such as liver, muscle and fat. Insulin is a vital metabolic hormone that controls the carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism. Insulin is necessary for the transport of blood sugar (glucose) from the blood into the cells.

Fact And Figures Of Diabetes

Almost seven to eight percent of world adult population is affected by diabetes. North America have maximum percentage of its victims which is about 10.3%,  North Africa and Middle Eas

Diabetes is one of the world’s most prevalent diseases. According to the World Health Organization approximately almost 500 million people suffer worldwide from this metabolic disease. Among these peoples, almost 95% suffer with Type 2 Diabetes and 5 percent suffer from Type 1 Diabetes.

Diabetes is spread more quickly in low and middle income countries. This disease effect people mainly at their working age.

Regional t have 9.3 %. Regions with highest number of  affected people are Western Pacific  and South Asia. In Western Pacific, 77 million peoples and in South Asia round about 59 million peoples have diabetes.

Leading Countries With  Diabetes

India is most leading country which is followed by China. In India 50.8 million peoples are victim of diabetes and in China approximately 44 million peoples are its victims. United states have 26.8 million, Brazil have approximately 8 million, Germany have 7.6 million, Pakistan have 7.1 million , Japan have 7 million, Indonesia have 7 million and Mexico have 6.8 million.


Type 1 Diabetes

Through the body’s defense system, the insulin-producing cells called Islets are destroyed in the pancreas. It comes to an absolute insulin deficiency, with the result that the building materials and fuels (eg glucose = glucose) contained in food cannot be funneled into the body cells. The patients use insulin injections several times a day to adjust blood glucose level . So serious demage of nerves and blood vessels can be largely prevented. Type 1 diabetes often occurs mostly during adolescence or young adulthood.

ٖFor more information click Type 1 Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes

In this disease, the action of insulin is reduced in the body cells and there is also a lack of insulin. This disease is extremely complex and manifests itself in varying degrees of insulin resistance and deficiency (Insulin is necessary for the transport of blood sugar (glucose) from the blood into the cells). The type 2 diabetes or the precursor (elevated fasting blood glucose and / or impaired glucose utilization) are mainly associated with other problems of the metabolic syndrome. This type of diabetes is accompanied by more than 80% with obesity (obesity).

For more information click Type 2 Diabetes

Type 3 Diabetes

In addition to these, there are other, uncommon forms of diabetes. Diabetes can be triggered for example by diseases such as pancreatitis, hormonal imbalances or medication. Foe example, two other special shapes are LADA and MODY.

LADA is “late autoimmune diabetes in adults” and means that a Type 1 diabetes is present, which occurs late in adulthood.

MODY means “maturity onset diabetes in the young”. This form based on genetic disorders of glucose metabolism, associated with diabetes mellitus and inherited family.

Gestational Diabetes

Usually occurred in 24th to 28th week of pregnancy and disappears after childbirth. Major risk factors for developing gestational diabetes are age, obesity and family history.Approximately 4% of all pregnant women are affected by gestational diabetes, which brings untreated significant health risks for mother and child. Most in the 24th to 28th week of pregnancy occurs gestational diabetes. During this time, related hormone decreases insulin sensitivity of the cells and the blood sugar may rise slightly. In women with gestational diabetes, however, the blood sugar rises during pregnancy significantly above the normal level of addition. After delivery, the blood sugar returns to normal.

For more Information click Gestational Diabetes


The causes of type 1 and type 2 diabetes  are different. Common to both types of diabetes is declining insulin production, but in very different speeds.

Causes of Type 1 Diabetes

Causes of Type 2 Diabetes

Causes Of Gestational Diabetes


Type 1 diabetes is developing much faster than a Type 2 diabetes, often within a few weeks. For this reason, he makes himself almost always noticeable with typical symptoms. Especially increased thirst, urination, fatigue and an increased rate of infection are often present. Symptoms occur when a large part of the islet cells in the pancreas is destroyed.

Whereas, Type 2 diabetes develops over a longer period of time and therefore Type 2 diabetes makes no complaint for long time. Therefore often remains undetected for many years. The disease is only detected when it has already triggered sequelae, such as a heart attack or stroke.

Symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes

Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes

Gestational Diabetes

Treatments Of Diabetes

There are several ways to cure diabetes. Most commonly insulin is use to cure diabetes. Some drugs are also in combination with insulin.

For more information click on given links

Treatments of Type 1 Diabetes

Treatments of Type 2 Diabetes

Gestational Diabetes


The doctor diagnose the “diabetes” if any of the following limits is exceeded and than repeated measurement confirms the result:

  • The blood sugar levels have been reached 200 mg / dl (11.1 mmol / L) or exceed 200 mg / dl (11.1 mmol / L)
  • A fasting blood sugar of 126 mg / dl (7.0 mmol / l) or higher
  • A blood glucose level of 200 mg / dl (11.1 mmol / L) or higher after two hours of an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)

Further tests provide information about which type of diabetes is present. A type 1 diabetes can be determined by using the typical auto antibodies.

Home Remedies For Diabetes

Home remedies are quite effective against diabetes. Insulin and other drugs are not the only way to cure the diabetes. There are lot of natural things in your kitchen which are very useful against diabetes. If your diabetic, than don’t worry pick up some kitchen products and cure your disease. Regular use of home remedies can help to prevent and cure diabetes.

Click here for more information about Home Remedies


You can not prevent Type 1 diabetes. If type 1 diabetes found in family, you should seek advice from a specialist.

In type 2 diabetes, however, you can do a lot to prevent the disease, because it usually occurs in people who are overweight and move little physically. Particularly those peoples are at risk in which fat are accumulate in the abdominal area.

If you have diabetes, you can prevent consequential damage. Blood sugar should be control by:

  • Eating healthy and balanced diet . Unfortunately, most people eat too much fat and sugar which may be responsible for diabetes in future.
  • Check your blood sugar regularly and concern your family Doctor to get right advice at right time,
  • Physical activity lowers blood glucose levels and increases insulin sensitivity of all body cells. If you have not driven any Sport: Talk with your family doctor, what kind of exercise is right for you question. A daily walk or several times a week swimming may already be a first valuable contribution.
  • Take your medication as your GP discussed.
  • Smoking increases the atherosclerosis in their blood vessels. That’s why Diabetics should not smoke.

Above all: Do not forget that an excessively high blood sugar levels in very rare cases only caused immediate symptoms. He usually goes unnoticed, but damages your blood vessels and organs as a ticking time bomb.