Causes Of Gestational Diabetes

Gestational Diabetes Causes

As gestational diabetes refers to a carbohydrate metabolism disorder that first appears during pregnancy or is detected.The causes of gestational diabetes are on the one hand depend on various pregnancy hormones, which lead to an increase in blood sugar levels (eg estrogen, human placental lactogen), on the other hand on the diet, which is often not optimal in pregnancy.

Gestational Diabetes Causes

The insulin secretion is more reduced at the beginning of pregnancy, but then rises considerably. The pancreas releases insulin at least 15 minutes delayed in the bloodstream. Type 2 diabetes are also changes the body cells so that the production of insulin is not often enough.This results in increased blood sugar levels before and after eating.

According to current knowledge, the release of various hormones during pregnancy is primarily responsible for the gestational diabetes is. In addition, certain risk factors increase the likelihood of developing a gestational diabetes.

The Hormones Work Against Insulin

They reduce the action of insulin, which is why similar to Type 2 diabetes adjusts insulin resistance. Normally, pregnant women still produce enough insulin to counteract high blood sugar. Sufficient insulin production in the second half of pregnancy, is no longer sufficient to meet the increased demand, creating a gestational diabetes.


Women who suffer before or during pregnancy to obesity (body mass index of> 27), have a higher risk to develop a gestational diabetes. It was demonstrated that especially the fat cells of the abdominal fat release certain inflammatory substances that promote insulin resistance in the body cells.

Age And Genetic Factors

Women with family history of diabetes have higher risk of gestational diabetes or type 4 diabetes. Diabetes disease during pregnancy also occur if the pregnant woman is already older than 30 years or in the own birth, had a birth weight greater than 4325 grams. Pregnant women who have already suffered with several miscarriages, diabetes have higher risk of gestational diabetes than other women.

Consequences of Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes can lead to  severe complications during pregnancy and also after child birth. “In addition, an untreated gestational diabetes increases the risk of developing a permanent diabetes later in life for mother and child. Also UTIs and gestoses are common in gestational diabetes.

Health of infant is also in a danger. When the blood sugar levels of the mother is high, then as a consequences the blood sugar level of the child also rise. The baby is also growing disproportionately fast. Doctor says “This is not good, not healthy growth”.

In addition, the birth of a great child is more difficult than a normal weight. Patients with gestational diabetes have so often a Cesarean section or a confinement by a suction cup and a episiotomy.

The blood flow in the placenta is also disturbed. An adequate supply of oxygen to the child can then only by an increased amount of blood pigment (polycythemia). So children of gestational have an increased risk, to come up with very high blood pigment in the world. In this way, the risk of jaundice is increase, caused by the breakdown of the blood pigment after birth.