Causes Of Bronchial Carcinoma
The main risk factor for lung cancer is smoking. But pollutants in the workplace or hereditary factors play a role in the causing cancer. Lung cancer is caused in most cases by external influences:
Smoking As A Major Risk Factor
The main causes of lung cancer are smoking and inhalation of carcinogenic substances, vapors and gases in the workplace and everyday life. About 90% of the biggest cause of lung cancer is smoking. When you smoke hundreds of carcinogenic substances are inhaled, so that in a regular smoker, chance of developing lung cancer is 40 times higher than non-smoker. Particularly risk of lung cancer is more in those who started smoking as teenagers.
Passive Smoking
Even passive smoking increases the risk of lung cancer. Passive smokers inhale the so-called sidestream smoke. Although it contains less tar and nicotine, but higher concentrations of cancer-causing substances.
Dangerous Contaminants In The Workplace
Especially workers in construction, mining and metal processing are sometimes exposed to fine particulates, which have been found to be disease-promoting.
Asbestos is a durable fiber that has been used a lot for example in the construction industry as insulation and insulating. In the lungs asbestos particles cause an inflammatory remodeling and scarring of the lung tissue (asbestosis)
Other carcinogenic dusts and vapors are:
• Quartz dust
• Arsenic compound
• chromium compound
• nickel compounds.
• Silica dust
• Aromatic hydrocarbons
Lung cancer patients who were exposed at their workplace such dusts should talk with their doctor about the possible recognition as an occupational disease.
Environmental Causes
Nobel Gas Radon
After smoking the radioactive noble gas radon is, according to the Federal Office for Radiation Protection,is the second most important cause of lung cancer. It occurs naturally in the soil, the concentration varies from region to region. Especially in older buildings, the gas can penetrate into basements and ground floor. Ventilation is considered the easiest measure to reduce radon exposure in homes.
Other important environmental risk factors are motor vehicle exhaust fumes from diesel vehicles, fine dust and air pollution.
Hereditary Causes
Hereditary factors appear to play a certain role in the development of lung cancer. However, it is not clear to a large extent, how significant they are and in which patients they are actually involved in the development of lung cancer.
Researchers suggest that the genetic risks contribute, especially in very young diseased affected carcinogenesis. Because of congenital genetic instability in the genetic information, accelerated accumulation of other “errors” and therefore lead to cancer.